The Closer Report: May 22, 2009

Saves: 12
Save Opportunities: 12
Bell, Rodriguez, and Fuentes get their 12th save, Francisco saves first post-DL game
By Todd Farino,
There weren't any blown saves today and a full load of saves. The highlights of the day start with Heath Bell. Bell shakes off giving up his first run last appearance to throw a great inning tonight for his 12th save.
Fuentes continues to make batters look bad as he revisited his National League friends. He made quick work of the Dodgers clinching a 3-1 win for the Angels.
KROD was back at it and also had an easy inning revisiting with his old foes the Red Sox. He also earned a league leading 12th save. Rodriguez has clearly lived up to his draft value. If you examined his numbers and plug then in as offensive scores you could say he has 12 Hrs (saves), 20 RBI (SO), 1 win (SB), .370 Avg, (ERA), and a 28 runs (WHIP). Not bad for a 4th or 5th round draft pick.
Over in the American League Bobbie Jenks looked impressive notching his 10th save. Jenks hasn't been in the news much with the White Sox pitching struggles, but quietly he has put together 10 saves, 14 strikeouts, and an ERA under 2.50. He's having another solid season.
Frank Francisco returned from the D

George Sherrill nailed his 8th save of the season. A few weeks ago rumors flew that Sherill was no longer the ONLY closer the Orioles would dispatch. However, he has been and since then he has accrued 4 saves, and lowered he has lowered his ERA almost 200 points. He is clearly the closer in Baltimore, and if you cut him have more patience next time.
Last, but not least we have the Rays bullpen. Dale Thayer (pictured) was called up today and pitched 3 innings in a blow out for the save. He also got to bad in this very weird game against Ross Gload if you can believe. He has good stuff and was acquired in the Russell Branyan trade. I wouldn't look to much into this, but with the Rays bullpen issues at least take notice for now.
Other Appearances:
Joel Zumaya (1) - Zumaya saved the game after Rodney saved the last three games
Jon Rauch - Got a second save in as many days while the Diamindbacks rest the overworked Chad Qualls.
Francisco Cordero (11) - He is piling up saves and has a low ERA of 2.12. Great so far.
Mike Gonzalez (7)- He's doing well lately.
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